
1 गुरुवन्दना

Poem One
gauÉvandnaa È
Da^.kmala AByaMkr
Salutations to a preceptor.
gauÉcarNaaByaaM sada vandnama\ È
kdaip maa BaUt\ to ivasmarNama\ ÈÈ

kdaip Ä ever, maa BaUt\ Ä May not,
to Ä you, ivasmarNama\ Ä to forget.
(I) always (offer) homage to the feet of (my) preceptor. May I
never forget you.
&anatojasaao mahana\ inaiQas%vaM dyaaGanas%vaM tpaoinaiQas%vama\ È
AinaSaM iSaYyaihtsya icantnaM gauÉcarNaaByaaM sada vandnama\ È È 1 È È
Sandhi Dissolution: 1) inaiQas%vaM Ä inaiQa: + %vama\ È
2) dyaaGanas%vaM Ä dyaaGana: + %vama\ È
3) tpaoinaiQas%vaM Ä tpaoinaiQa: + %vama\ È
&anatojasa: Ä luster of knowledge,
inaiQa: Ä treasure,
dyaaGana:Ä cloud (showering) compassion,
tpaoinaiQa: Ä treasure of penance,
AinaSama\ Ä always,
iSaYyaihtsya icantnama\ Ä have the thought of the well-being of (your )
You (are) a great treasure of luster of knowledge. You (are like
a) cloud (showering) compassion. You (are) a treasure of penance.
Consistently (you) have the thought of the well-being of (your )
disciples. (I) always (offer) homage to the feet of (my) preceptor.
kumBakars%vaM maRi<aka AhM maUit-kars%vaM paYaaNaao|hma\ È
tva hstaByaaM mama inamaa-NaM kdaip maa BaUt\ to ivasmarNama\ ÈÈ 2 ÈÈ
Sandhi Dissolution: 1) kumBakars%vaM Ä kumBakar: + %vama\ È
2) maUit-kars%vaM Ä maUit-kar: + %vama\ È
3) paYaaNaao|hma\ Ä paYaaNa: + Ahma\ È
kumBakar: Ä potter, maRi<aka Ä clay,
maUit-kar: Ä sculptor, paYaaNa: Ä stone, rock.
(If) you are a potter, I am clay. (If) you are a sculptor, I am a stone. My
creation (i.e. shaping my personality) is in your hands. May I never
forget you.
maa|stu QanaM maaOi@tkM kaHcanama\ Astu AivartM tva p`saadnama\ È
%va%spSaa-d\ mao Bavatu sauvaNa-M gauÉcarNaaByaaM sada vandnama\ ÈÈ 3 ÈÈ
Sandhi Dissolution: 1) maa|stu Ä maa + Astu È
2) %va%spSaa-d\ mao Ä %va%spSaa-t\ + mao È
maa|stu Ä May (I) not have, maaOi@tkM Ä pearl,
kaHcanama\ Ä gold, AivartM Ä always, consistent,
p`saadnama\ Ä favor, grace, %va%spSaa-d\Äby your touch (acquaintance).
Translation: May (I) not have wealth, pearl (or) gold. May your grace
be always (with me). May my (life) turn into gold by your touch
(acquaintance). (I) always (offer) homage to the feet of (my) preceptor.


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